Website maintenance in progress
The Equos Government would like to bid on the Gerlach colony for several reasons that will benefit Gerlach and the Shire overall We are interested in expanding the Gerlach industry within the colony, providing jobs to Gerlach residents and Equos residents alike. The Gerlach Cheese would be used to create Gerlach based fine…
The Equos government will offer 10% in stocks in Equos Entertainment Group llc in exchange for Blackmill
Adjective: Equosy
Awesome I'll sign up
Equos Empire hereby sends troops to Laurelian to assist Laurelian nation in defending against atttacks from Riverwood and its allies.
remember when Equos was just a tiny mining village? Pepperidge Farm remembers
Equos is interested
Requesting Kibarra after dark. :D
Never liked it anyways. Crappy windows phone
What would Josie do?XD Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Josie Rocks?
I would like my build somewhere in middle of a snow biome
I second this proposition.
*seconds vote for extension
>unsportsmanship All is fair in love and war.
Even I'm getting involved and I have never done a BC so I want to see entries from everyone!
If its not too demanding on the specs, or on the wallet, I shall join
Nebs, check out the first floor restaurant Cooked Medium Rare. Something like that size would be enough or too big/too small?
oh look. A post about me :3.My AFK's are legendary
Sweet, new lands for Equos Empire to explore and conquer.
hawkeye? hawkeye can't reroll nor rebuild. I don't think so anyways
Im all alone
Equos opens Borders Upon news of last patient death, Equos borders are open to government officials only traveling to and from Equos for strictly government and business reasons. Borders may be fully opened in the coming days after further investigations. Equos is currently sending personnels from Equos University lab to…
I already use IRC, is not that hard to pick up. If anyone has any question on how to use IRC, come find me on the coldfront server #pikachu. :troll:
Senpai Maghion overwhelmed Keeping Equos protected from the virus has proven successful thanks to the divine efforts of Equos University Scientists, however new challenges emerges in response to Equos victory. Senpai Maghion has allocated a major portion of taxpayers dollars and other funds to the research, and while…
When I die, I spawn in survival. When i use /spawn, it takes me to new players spawn
Equos University Scientist Develops Cure. A large number of Scientists and researchers from Equos University parties at nearby Ayu's Pub, celebrating a victory against the ongoing Great White Plague. Equos has submitted research findings to the SEA pending approval for human use. This medication, knowned as Desunol, works…
Frank, you clutz
Equos Resort Finally to be Completed Ayu's Pub corporation has purchased the long abandoned Equos Resort and will complete the project by the week's end. The original owners of the property cited financial collapse due to corrutpion within their ranks as reason why the project was abandoned. For a long time, citizens has…
is it too late to volunteer Equos?