Website maintenance in progress
"Yall young whipper snappers need to adjust your attitudes and respect your elders!"
look im retired!
Since when have there been Shirecon's?
Server is not responding, tried to stop and start it with no success.
less carrots
Sammiches.. the war was an awesome idea!
Did the MountBritain conglomerate get ignored? Mount Britain shipping... mining... *sigh*
FIIIIINE!!! just be careful not to WE or anything over the cathedral under the island.
I contest your claim to an entire corner of the map. You ahve claimed an area that Bats and i have already built in.
There is something wrong with you on a deep deep level.
whats your username?
free to play, tank battles.. pretty fun ive been playing it alot lately
then i guess itll get deleted from r minecraft
i kind of expected for some location to be made battletorn and a memorial made there. a kind of permanent shrine.
awesome video nebs!! posted it to reddit
happy bday drek
Mount Britain has decided to join Sammich, nebbers and the other competent peoples of the shire in battle against le' Batman and his foolish few.
An ammended battle time of 6pm est has been proposed by the leader of the Overtakers. Does the opposition approve?
Sammich!!! what is the basis for your claim of kings right?
Current Standings: Overtaker * Sammiches * draco * nebbers * lob * quick * Rixie * Andrewpo * Drekar Liberator * LegitBatman * Wyrmleaf * Psycho * xxandrew * morris * mieshoa * prey * Rabblerouser * BLue * arctic * Gaan * Zach * JLord Neutral * archeval * geek * Ben
brilliant idea
Mount Britain prides itself in its neutral position in all things Shire. We provide shire wide shipping services. We are also home to the shires largest prison. If either party would like to have thier prisoners of war housed in our complex please let me know. Also, if your citystate does not have a MT Britain Shipping…