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Who is Cutting Onions?

Obtain Crying Obsidian

16.4% of players have this advancement


Player head of gghosty Player head of invism Player head of CoffeeAndChill Player head of Grazious Player head of nebbers Player head of DirewolfofDoom Player head of Foxytisy Player head of Aedesius Player head of aFloatingDonut Player head of Malaclord

Top Players This Week

  1. PorterPlaysJava +3
  2. Minecraft252 +2
  3. Kris_LC +2
Resets every Monday at 00:01 UTC

Top Players This Year

  1. The_Duck_King_ +36
  2. Malaclord +18
  3. Michek1 +16
  4. CoffeeAndChill +14
  5. gghosty +12
Resets every year on January 1st

Top Players Overall

  1. CoffeeAndChill 476
  2. Malaclord 442
  3. DirewolfofDoom 263
  4. Foxytisy 237
  5. Aedesius 216