Our main world was created on 15 October 2010, and has never been reset. Since then, we've received thousands of unique visitors, with many contributing to our immersive world.
We feature a wide variety of building styles, some with their own lore, and encourage anybody regardless of their skill level to build with us.
To play, connect to play.shirecraft.us.
If you have any questions or would like a tour, then feel free to ask!
Support The Shire
Donations keep the server running. You don’t need to pay to enjoy The Shire, but we’d appreciate your support if you are able to donate.
Railway Status
Anuman line Good service
Cerelia Riverwood Grand Station Closed; Disembark at Ampitheatre
Dulcia Good service
East Shire Transit Good service.
Empire Part-suspended. Good service Sunspear-Venice, and good service Emerald City-Prontera. No other services are operational.
Franco Good service Venezia Cipriana - Lythia University. No service Lythia-Epsilon.
Hafenstadt Metro Good service
Hestia Good service
Hyperloop Good service
Juris Good service
Lamia Good service
Lost Valley Loop Good service Verdant-Meridian Park
Mainland Metro Good service
Naoki Metro Good service
Norshire Full Service Vespinae - Riverwood Grand. Part Service Ski Resort - Orton. No service Orton-Laurelian International Hope
Nysa Nuovo Firenze station is closed. Otherwise, good service.
OmegaLoop Good service
Quintus Part-suspended New Vashon to Silex-Civis
Riverwood Intraurban Riverwood Grand Closed
Schnellzug Good service
Skira Good service
Spectral Good service
Thule Good service
Vadam Good service
Venezia Metro Good service Valeria-Cipriana (outer loop). No service on other routes.
Venezia Overground Good service
West Shire Rail Good service Caffa-Solentse, UoC West-Thothum, and Zege-Groenevelden.
Zelos Good service