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Survival Skills



The following activities award experience in this skill:
Activity Experience
ancient_debris 25
coal 2
copper 5
diamonds 12
emerald 45
glowstone 6
gold 8
iron 5
lapis 6
quartz 3
redstone 3

Top Players

Player Level Total Experience
davidcharlie06 32 27802
gghosty 25 17427
aFloatingDonut 24 16046



The following activities award experience in this skill:
Activity Experience
breeding 3
carrots 4
hoe_used 2
melon 8
potatoes 4
pumpkin 8
sugar_cane 4
wheat 3

Top Players

Player Level Total Experience
OmgHay 90 205923
Jommers 53 72757
CoffeeAndChill 43 48774



The following activities award experience in this skill:
Activity Experience
creeper 7
drowned 3
enderman 2
ender_dragon 75
hoglin 3
husk 4
magma_cube 4
phantom 11
piglin 5
pillager 7
silverfish 5
skeleton 5
slime 5
spider 6
vindicator 12
witch 7
wither 25
wither_skeleton 7
zombie 3

Top Players

Player Level Total Experience
gghosty 40 41295
lol_i_exist24 31 25867
Malaclord 26 17837



The following activities award experience in this skill:
Activity Experience
beef 8
bread 5
cake 15
chicken 7
cookie 4
fish 6
kelp 2
mutton 8
porkchop 8
potato 5
rabbit 8
stew 10

Top Players

Player Level Total Experience
OmgHay 33 28770
aFloatingDonut 19 10040
CoffeeAndChill 19 9905

Top Players This Week

There are no top players so far this week.

Resets every Monday at 00:01 UTC

Top Players This Year

  1. The_Duck_King_ +36
  2. Malaclord +18
  3. Michek1 +16
  4. CoffeeAndChill +14
  5. gghosty +12
Resets every year on January 1st

Top Players Overall

  1. CoffeeAndChill 476
  2. Malaclord 442
  3. DirewolfofDoom 263
  4. Foxytisy 237
  5. Aedesius 216