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Recent Survival Advancements

26 Dec 2021
The Parrots and the Bats
21.4% of players have this advancement
22 Dec 2021
Light as a Rabbit
4.1% of players have this advancement
20 Dec 2021
Hot Stuff
16.3% of players have this advancement

Top Players This Week

  1. PorterPlaysJava +3
  2. Minecraft252 +2
  3. ben1353535 +2
Resets every Monday at 00:01 UTC

Top Players This Year

  1. The_Duck_King_ +36
  2. Malaclord +18
  3. Michek1 +16
  4. CoffeeAndChill +14
  5. gghosty +12
Resets every year on January 1st

Top Players Overall

  1. CoffeeAndChill 476
  2. Malaclord 383
  3. DirewolfofDoom 263
  4. Foxytisy 237
  5. Aedesius 216