Website maintenance in progress
I freaking love this idea.
Y'all know I'm always dtf ;3
LIKEA is always up to help out with furnishing!!! It's free of charge—no souls needed.
[quote="Antheus;7565"]It was suggested by hay for I to suggest the possibility of using the Anthadome, located in Riverwood, as the venue for the Shire Annual Open Mic.[/quote] Thank you for the suggestion, Ant, but while it's not a bad venue, we'd still like to keep the tradition of having it in the Grand Amphitheatre.
Grand Imperial Wedding Update:It seems that the groom of the Emperor's choice, AAA, has gotten cold feet. We've all been waiting and dragging out this extended delay for the still-tba wedding; however, AAA simply has not returned to finalise the details and—most importantly—attend. We're all now unsure of whether this…
Lia can offer LiaFurniture from LIKEA!! =DD
[quote="Anomaloavis;7415"] Up-side-down (hanging city)[/quote] This will be so fun for all my LiaFurniture tho.
I'd love to help as much as I can as well!!
Excuse me, I'd like to file a complaint about the low-quality furnitures. They're very old and insubstantial. Can't sleep on the bed or sit at the table without fearing for my life. May I suggest replacing them with better-quality LiaFurnitures from LIKEA?
GREEK!!!!! <3
[quote="Paul_Lea96;7341"]It is over by the dock area, a yellow building, with a sign out front, can't miss it! :) [/quote] Hokie hokie! I'll add you to the list of LIKEAs to finish after Oranjestad x33
[quote="Paul_Lea96;7330"]I added a building for LIKEA[/quote] Show me next time we're both on!
[quote="Lord_Drekar;7334"] Drekonings4Divorce - the drekoning divorces, so you don't have to! [/quote] That is one helluva slogan.
@Sammiches822 your tbd wedding hasn't even gone through yet and you've already proposed to someone else? *stares accusingly* Are you trying to bring polygamy back?
@nebbers I'M SO SORRY Oranjestad is now added to my list of LIKEAs to complete <3
What is this outrageousness?! There's no LIKEA?! Oh geez HOW WILL YOUR PEOPLE FURNISH?!
Certainly! If you're having trouble understanding something, I'll be happy to help translate and explain in Chinese! I use 简体字, though, just a heads up. =) Also, welcome to the Shire!! x33
Glompuia Kingdom stands alongside and will defend the Laurelian Nation and all other allied nations. We will offer any and all possible support we can provide. The Kingdom does prefer peace whenever possible, but we will not stand idly by while Laurelian Nation—who has protected so many Shirelings in the past—is being…
OMG I CHANGE MY MIND. Please call the top green area "New Zealia" x3333
[quote="Hay;7199"]HOBSTRALIA lmao[/quote] Hobbiton's in New Zealand ;~~; *snifflesniffle* ...but still doesn't change the fact that it's a hilarious name tho.
Top Red Area = Glomptopia >3
Omg @nebbers I didn't see that before posting xDDD but I'm now dying here because I can't laugh out loud at 4am in the morning.
=OO Hoookie so I'm thinking either Northfarthing or Westfarthing for the top green area name cuuuuuz Hobbiton's there and I have 0 creativity xD Westfarthing is the original, but Northfarthing makes moar sense in our map...
(I shall try to omit my glomps from slipping into names xD)
Ehhhh I'm soooo bad with names ;~~~;Hokie my brain-generator of random letters that sound pretty put together says "Amadieria"
[quote="Mieshoa;7105"] So I rock his Roc necklaces.[/quote] YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO IS THIS GUY I NEED TO MURDER???!!!
[quote="Mieshoa;7097"] Dahling I'll be rocking my Givenchy dress![/quote] #soreckless
[quote="Blitheness;7043"]Hurry up with the date! I need to plan this around holidays and real-life weddings!![/quote] @Sammiches822 That tbd's gunna have to come to an end...
=OO Glompuia Kingdom's flag exists now!! If you do "/warp hobbiton" and go to the top floor of the Hobbiton Tavern, it should be the first thing you see, haha! The purple one right next to Hobbiton's! <3
Oh Jay... I'm so sorry!!!!! *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs!!!!!!*