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too many good choices to vote on D:
I would like to thank my grandmother, Morris, for this prestigious honor.
Just confirming that it's okay to work on the areas you put in this post @nebbers
I had Nebs mark buildings for kill with a floating diamond block. So maybe a red stone block above buildings we keep? Just obnoxiously bright colors / blocks that are hard to miss.
Extremely informative post and the district marking / imaging is really helpful! As for keeping nostalgia, I’ll make sure I only give a fresh paint job to buildings that are approved by everyone involved! it’s been a great time seeing so many people invested in spawn again. But I want to also make sure I’m being as…
I watch Keralis play city building games like Anno. Very chill guy. I'm sure once staff sees this, they'll approve your application. Other than that, being multilingual is awesome and I'm jealous!
I just saw this 3 years later.
Duck destroying Wallace and Gromit's house is the best action scene of 2019. 43.765 naoki citizens couldn't sleep for weeks after seeing the film due to a reported non-stop influx of adrenaline.
This report is the result of rising tensions among several allied Shire nations. It has been deemed necessary by the Republic of Naoki to disclose a series of reconnaissance operations which occurred in the weeks leading up to January of 2018. The report will be divided into two brief sections. Section I - Operation…
/b biome crashes server at any size /b over d1 doesn't work
Voxel also doesn't work at all.
Figured I should just make a new post. World Edit isn't working at all for me. I've tried a bunch of different commands and nothing happens.
//rotate doesn't properly rotate stairs //flip doesn't properly rotate stairs /brush sphere doesn't work /mask doesn't work /b biome has a long delay before changes are applied /b st doesn't work (for me at least) / b sl doesn't work (for me at least) /fill water will only fill the 1 block thick top layer of where you are…
Gandalf fighting the Balrog and screaming, “You shall not pass!” Would be 10/10 movie scene build.
Andy is the dootdootprogrammydad the shire deserves, but also the one it needs.
"Quoth thy ego forever more"
I honestly can't tell if it's my internet or whether the server is down, but other games are working, and other web pages are loading, but the Dynmap screen is black and there's just a big red "X" on the server when I try to connect on minecraft.
Ayee, congrats Lia and Bit.
I crashed the server.
I...uh...crashed the....server...
gosh darn diddly
I went to fill in a small floor on this building, and turns out I didn't close up a section....moral of the story....Smoot stikes again with a server crash.
@Blitheness Perhaps I was doing it wrong (which I will definitely say is a strong likelihood), but there were so many caves and mineshafts filled with lava underneath Naoki to the point where I was dropping a total of 40 FPS when in the center of my region, and there were other areas with extreme frame drops, so when I…
It crashed after I panicked and changed the lava back to stone, which in hindsight was probably dumber than what i was already doing. The reason I had such a huge region selected was because I was incrementally deleting these pockets, and so It was pretty much straight up solid stone other than small pockets of grass here…
Oh wait yeah, was filling air pockets with stone (because there was a serious frame rate drop due to these caves), and went to fill lava the same way and typed it backwards. There was little to no lag prior to this, but I am pretty sure Naoki is now just a giant lava cube.
i actually think this is pretty serious, I mean like it was a lot of lava, is there anyway to load a previous back up?
so when gus told me to delete the lava, instead of typing //replace lava stone...I accidentally made it //replace stone lava.
yeah, i voted for my own idea, kind of a big deal.