Website maintenance in progress
How about Santa's estate?
how is the planning going?
[quote="Sammiches822;7374"]temples or greek or smth thanks :)[/quote] Will you participate? I'm throwing up Wild West again. Have a few reasons why to: 1. When we think of the west, hot dry air comes to mind. Lets face it, most of the US is under a heat advisory at the moment, so it sort of makes sense. 2. The theme hasn't…
Did Hard win?
Go to this link and read the following post. When all is said and done, come back to this post and re-edit this. Go here:
Nighlife all the way.
Server just blew up. Thanks in advance.
Up-Vote. Server is dead.
Fabulous work. Keep it coming.
Do we have another wedding to plan???? Congrats Sammi.
Kone, you did a great job with this. Lots of laughs for sure.
I've claimed a plot, but need a partner.
Interesting, but i most def. do enjoy this. Let us see more votes for bridges, please??We could use more bridges within the Shire. = )
We need to have another Team Build comp. Only a suggestion though.Congrats Chef.
Hey Nebbers, I'm just curious, i don't see any Empire State Buildings in Orikami...
Server down??
Is the irc channel still up and running?
My contact name is iVettel.
Alright, time for a plot twist!!!! Brock has now defected the lord Sammi, and has joined the Liberators. Oh, and Eskimo wanted me to tell you as well that he has joined the Liberators as well. Thanks.
Cant connect to server? Wondering if there was an upgrade? Edited: Its working now. Thank you
Epic! But one thing, i've noticed that i am not on the Overtakers list either. I did post earlier, so it probably wasn't seen. = (
Great job on these Mag. If you have more written, i'd really enjoy those as well.
Lobs, i'll pick it up. We can build a utopia together.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left..... - Overtakers shall be my choice-
Isn't this the worlds most famous cat on Youtube?
Congrats Andrew!!
We could always vote for the next theme as well too. Anyways, great job to everyone. Splendid job.
Lobs, whats the texture pack your using in this pic?